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Physical Books and AR with Ryon Harding

Physical Books and AR with Ryon Harding


In a world where education is rapidly evolving, Riyon Harding stands out as a beacon of innovation. An artist turned electrical and computer engineer, Riyon has embarked on a unique journey to revolutionize children's education. Her creation, Magic Portal Books, is not just a series of children's books; it's a gateway to a new way of learning.


From Artist to Engineer to Inventor

Riyon's journey is a fascinating tale of transformation. Initially an artist, she ventured into the realms of electrical and computer engineering, driven by a desire not to be a "starving artist." This unique combination of artistic creativity and technical acumen led her to become an inventor, specifically focusing on educational technologies.


The Birth of Magic Portal Books

Magic Portal Books emerged from Riyon's vision to blend storytelling with interactive and immersive experiences. These books are designed to be more than just reading material; they are portals to adventures, enabling children to explore, learn, and interact with the story in a way that traditional books cannot offer.


Key Insights from Riyon Harding

  • Innovative Storytelling: Riyon discusses how Magic Portal Books use augmented reality and interactive elements to bring stories to life, making learning an engaging and immersive experience.
  • Educational Philosophy: Riyon shares her belief in the power of interactive learning and how it can transform the educational landscape, especially for young minds.
  • The Role of Technology in Education: Explore Riyon's insights into how technology, when used creatively, can enhance the learning experience without losing the essence of traditional storytelling.


Redefining Learning

Riyon's Magic Portal Books are more than just an educational tool; they represent a paradigm shift in how we approach children's education. By integrating technology with storytelling, Riyon is not only capturing the imagination of children but also instilling a love for learning.


Are you more inclined toward visual experiences? We've got you covered!


The Future of Magic Portal Books

Looking ahead, Riyon envisions expanding the Magic Portal Books series to cover a wide range of subjects and themes. Her goal is to make education a delightful adventure for children, filled with discovery and wonder.


Riyon Harding's work with Magic Portal Books shows the endless possibilities when art and technology converge in education. Her journey from artist to inventor is an inspiring story of passion, innovation, and dedication to transforming how children learn and interact with the world around them.


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